Back to the 50's, no thanks!

Six days of school and girls-only? I am so happy to live in 2018. My grandmothers official name is Elisabeth, but everyone calls her Lisette. She was born in 1942, in the midst of the second World War. So the first three years of her life weren’t that easy. She was the youngest of two sisters. Her father sold newspapers while her mother took care of the kids. In their free time they kept vegetables and fruit. My grandmother had to help her parents picking fruit and vegetables on the field. Until my grandmother went to secondary school, she ate 4 times a day. They ate in the morning, at noon, at 4 o’clock and in the evening. For breakfast they had bread with ham, cheese or salami. At noon she went home to have a hot meal and at 4 o’clock she ate bread with chocolate at school. In the evening, she had a bread meal again. In the evening she usually had pudding or something else with bread. When she started going to secondary school, they just had thre...